Welcome to Your New Beginning

Embarking on a new chapter in life, whether it's navigating through the aftermath of a divorce, stepping into a leadership role for the first time, embarking on a new career, adjusting to the freedom of retirement, or some other awakening, can be both exhilarating and daunting. Presently Me Coaching specializes in guiding individuals through these transitions with grace and confidence. Identity coaching focuses on helping you rediscover who you are, redefine your personal and professional identity, and rebuild your life with purpose and joy.

Discover. Redefine. Thrive.

Our coaching approach is tailored to individuals facing significant life changes. With a compassionate, personalized, and transformative process, we empower you to:

  • Discover Your New Identity: Uncover the core of who you are beyond your past roles and experiences. Explore your passions, strengths, and the essence of what makes you uniquely you.

  • Build Unshakeable Confidence: Step into your new chapter with confidence. Learn to trust your abilities, make decisions that align with your true self, and navigate uncertainties positively.

  • Let Go of the Past: Release the ties that bind you to what was so you can embrace what will be. We provide the tools and support necessary to heal, let go, and move forward.

  • Create a Vision for Your Future: Dream big and set actionable goals. With our guidance, you'll design a future that excites you and embark on a path that fulfills you.

Bonnie A Ross

Identity Coach and Energy Mentor

Your Guide: Bonnie A Ross

Bonnie A. Ross is not just a coach; she's a guiding force for change and an Energy Sherpa. With over three decades of experience, Bonnie has dedicated her life to empowering individuals navigating through significant life transitions. As the founder of Presently Me Coaching, she combines deep empathy with energy work to help you rediscover and embrace your evolving identity.

Bonnie's journey began with her compassionate work in energy healing, evolving over the years to include advanced life coaching, meditation, and Reiki mastery. Her unique approach focuses on the hurdles that life's challenges often create, making room for healing and growth.

Her rich background also includes over 25 years in the corporate world, including 18 years as an executive at a Fortune 100 company, bringing a rare blend of business insight and spiritual wisdom to her coaching. This balance makes Bonnie uniquely qualified to guide you not just personally but professionally.


Transformative Coaching

Engage in personalized one-on-one sessions with Bonnie, who will focus intently on your unique journey, employing a blend of traditional coaching methods and innovative energy techniques. These sessions are more than just conversations; they are transformative experiences that provide:

  • Self-Awareness and Insights: Discover the underlying motivations and barriers that have shaped your life’s path. Bonnie’s intuitive approach helps unearth these insights, paving the way for profound self-awareness and change.

  • Practical Strategies for Immediate Application: Bonnie will help you translate your discoveries into practical strategies. Whether it’s self-care practices, personal development, or relationships, expect actionable plans that you can immediately implement to start seeing results.

  • Continuous Support and Accountability: With Bonnie as your guide, you gain not only a coach but a committed ally. She provides ongoing support and holds you accountable, ensuring that you remain focused and motivated throughout your journey.

  • Empowerment to Make Sustainable Changes: Learn to maintain the momentum of your personal growth. Bonnie’s coaching instills the confidence and skills necessary to continue evolving independently, ensuring lasting change.

In our sessions, we delve into the intricacies of change, pinpointing your specific needs. We leverage these insights to foster holistic growth. By creating a space that’s uniquely yours, we empower you to navigate life’s twists and turns with newfound confidence.

Vitural Coffee

Interested in learning more?

Let’s start with a conversation.


Leaving my corporate job was a big leap for me, but Bonnie’s coaching provided the tools and support I needed to succeed. Discovering my core strengths and interests helped me find a path forward that truly resonates with my values and desires. Bonnie’s insights, energy work, and deep empathy made it possible for me to embrace this transition with positivity. I am grateful for her guidance as I now continue growing my own business.
— Robert
Stepping into a leadership role was daunting. I doubted I wasn’t ready. Bonnie’s approach at Presently Me Coaching transformed my perspective. Her unique blend of corporate experience and spiritual insight empowered me to build confidence. I now better trust my decisions and lead my team with conviction and grace. Thanks to Bonnie, I am not just surviving in my new role; I am thriving.
— Kitty
Retirement felt like an abrupt end rather than a new beginning. Working with Bonnie changed all of that. She helped me let go of my professional identity and create a vision for my future that is both fulfilling and exciting. Through our sessions, I’ve redefined what it means to be productive and happy in this new phase of my life. I am now thriving in my retirement, pursuing passions and projects I never had time for before.
— Barbara

In Nature. My Happy Place!

Meet Bonnie

Embark on an inspiring journey with Bonnie, a seasoned guide in coaching and energy work, who has been helping individuals unlock their potential for self-discovery, empowerment, and wellness for over two decades. Bonnie's extensive experience bridges the gap between the corporate world and holistic energy practices, making her a pillar of wisdom, compassion, and leadership in the realms of personal growth and professional development.

Coaching and Energy Work Expertise:

  • Certified Coach & Mentor: Celebrating over 20 years of certified coaching and 25+ years as an energy mentor, Bonnie's adeptness in fostering personal and professional development is unparalleled. Her coaching is a sanctuary for those seeking to unveil their fullest potential.

  • Mastery in Energy Practices: As a Reiki Master in Usui Shiki Ryoho, Neurolinguistic Practitioner, Quantum Human Design Specialist, and a graduate of The Silva Intuition Method, Bonnie harmonizes various energy practices to curate bespoke pathways to healing and empowerment.

  • Holistic Health Advocate: Bonnie's expertise extends into Shiatsu Bodywork and Energy Medicine, embodying over 25 years of dedication to the art of healing. As a Meditation Coach and Instructor, she guides individuals towards inner peace and clarity.

Corporate and Business Acumen:

  • Corporate Leadership: With an impressive 18-year tenure as an executive at The Walt Disney Company, alongside 25+ years in Corporate Human Resources, Bonnie brings a wealth of knowledge in leadership, inclusivity, and strategic human resources management.

  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: Bonnie's journey as a 20-year small business owner underscores her prowess in coaching and energy mentorship, complementing her corporate expertise with entrepreneurial vitality.

Author and Speaker:

  • Bonnie's voice resonates beyond individual sessions through her work as a published author and engaging public speaker, spreading messages of empowerment, wellness, and leadership.

Professional Memberships:

  • A proud member of esteemed associations such as the Energy Medicine Professional Association, Quantum Human Design, International Association of Women, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and Energy Therapies Association, Bonnie's commitment to excellence and continuous learning is evident.

Bonnie's multifaceted career is a testament to her passion for nurturing growth, healing, and transformation in individuals and organizations alike. Whether through one-on-one coaching, energy work, or speaking engagements, Bonnie's approach is deeply rooted in compassion, inclusivity, and a profound understanding of the human spirit.

Embark on a journey with Bonnie and discover the boundless potential within you, under the guidance of a masterful coach and energy worker.

Let's Stay in Touch